The Pop Culture Guide to Cybersecurity: Lessons from Movies, TV Shows, and Video Games!

The Pop Culture Guide to Cybersecurity: Lessons from Movies, TV Shows, and Video Games!

Cybersecurity is a hot topic these days, especially with the increasing number of cyberattacks and data breaches that affect individuals, businesses, and governments. But how much do we know about cybersecurity? And how can we learn more about it in a fun and engaging way? One possible answer is to look at pop culture, where cybersecurity is often depicted in various forms of media, such as movies, TV shows, and video games. Pop culture can offer us some insights into the challenges and opportunities of cybersecurity, as well as some lessons on how to protect ourselves and our data online.

However, pop culture can also be misleading or inaccurate when it comes to portraying cybersecurity, which could create some misconceptions or unrealistic expectations among the public. Therefore, it is important to be critical and discerning when consuming pop culture content related to cybersecurity and to seek reliable sources of information to verify or supplement what we see on screen.

In this blog post, we will explore some examples of cybersecurity in pop culture, both good and bad, and what they can teach us about this complex and fascinating topic.

  1. The Good: Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot is a critically acclaimed TV series that follows Elliot Alderson, a cybersecurity engineer and hacker who suffers from social anxiety and depression. He is recruited by a group of hacktivists called fsociety, who aim to erase all debt records by hacking into a large corporation called E Corp.

Mr. Robot is praised for its realistic and accurate depiction of hacking and cybersecurity, as well as its exploration of the social and psychological aspects of cybercrime. The show uses real hacking tools and techniques, such as social engineering, phishing, malware, encryption, etc., and shows the challenges and risks involved in hacking, such as being traced, caught, or exposed.

Mr. Robot also raises some ethical and philosophical questions about hacking and cybersecurity, such as who has the right to access or control data, what are the consequences of hacking for society and individuals, and how hacking affects one's identity and mental health.

Some of the lessons we can learn from Mr Robot are:

  • Hacking is not easy or glamorous. It requires a lot of skill, knowledge, research, patience, and creativity. It also involves a lot of trial and error, failure, frustration, and danger.

  • Hacking is not always black or white. It can be used for good or evil purposes, depending on the motivation and intention of the hacker. Hacking can also have unintended or unforeseen effects that may harm or benefit others.

  • Hacking is not a solo activity. It often requires collaboration and communication with other hackers or allies who share a common goal or interest. Hacking can also create a sense of community and belonging among hackers who feel alienated or marginalized by society.

  • Hacking is not without consequences. It can have legal, financial, emotional, physical, or psychological impacts on the hacker and the hacker. Hacking can also trigger ethical dilemmas or moral conflicts that may challenge one's values or beliefs.

    1. The Bad: Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park is a classic movie that tells the story of a theme park where dinosaurs are brought back to life using genetic engineering. However, things go wrong when a disgruntled employee sabotages the park's security system by hacking into it and disabling the electric fences that keep the dinosaurs contained.

Jurassic Park is an example of how pop culture can portray hacking and cybersecurity unrealistically and inaccurately. The movie shows hacking as a simple and quick process that can be done by anyone with a computer and some basic knowledge. The movie also shows hacking as a one-sided activity that does not involve any countermeasures or defences from the other party.

Some of the misconceptions or mistakes that Jurassic Park makes about hacking and cybersecurity are:

  • Hacking is easy and fast. The movie shows the hacker using a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows him to access any system or file with a few clicks. The movie also shows the hacker cracking passwords within seconds using simple words or phrases.

  • Hacking is untraceable and unstoppable. The movie shows the hacker leaving no traces of his actions or identity behind. The movie also shows the hacker having complete control over the system without any resistance or interference from anyone else.

  • Hacking is harmless and fun. The movie shows the hacker having no remorse or regret for his actions or their consequences. The movie also shows the hacker enjoying his hacking spree as a game or a prank.